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(WXYZ) — A little dog with special needs is getting a second chance at a long happy life thanks to Detroit Dog Rescue.

Rocky, who is believed to be around 13 weeks old, was born with swimmer’s syndrome, a developmental condition where the animal’s muscles and ligaments are sprawled out making it hard to walk.

“They really need the physical therapy — water, treadmill and a lot of consistent therapy to learn how to utilize those muscles and, of course, grow those muscles in order to walk,” said Kristina Rinaldi, executive director of the Detroit Dog Rescue.

Rinaldi said she heard about Rocky and knew her and her team could help the pit bull puppy.

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Detroit Dog Rescue

Detroit Dog Rescue is Detroit's first no-kill shelter. Founded in February 2011, DDR helps between 80 to 120 dogs at any given time. Our rescue is known for taking animals in trouble that most regard as unadoptable and investing the time and training needed to rehabilitate and re-home these dogs. Detroit Dog Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and licensed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and holds a Platinum Award of Transparency through GuideStar.
