The end of the year is usually a time of reflection for many. At Detroit Dog Rescue it’s also a time of immense gratitude for you, our supporters, advocates and true ambassadors. You are the lifeblood of our no-kill mission in Detroit, because every dog, every heart beat we touch, deserves a chance.
The City of Detroit covers 143 square miles. The city is home to a revived downtown full of city lights, shops, restaurants and beautifully restored architecture, but like many cities nationwide, there is another part of Detroit filled with dilapidated houses, abandoned revival projects, overgrown landscapes, empty blocks, blight and underserved residents in need. Detroit is also home to thousands of stray, abandoned, neglected and ignored dogs.
In order to survive the harsh winters, puppies are found with their mothers, burrowed under porches; emaciated dogs are discovered shivering in abandoned apartment buildings; and forgotten pets are tied behind or left in vacant homes.
In a city this size with an underfunded, dilapidated animal control, it’s impossible for municipal services to cover Detroit’s dog epidemic alone. For 10 years Detroit Dog Rescue has been here to answer the calls from Detroit Police, firefighters, animal control officers, city officials, and other organizations. We take in some of the toughest cases the country has ever seen and do everything we can to sustain Detroit’s first no-kill shelter. Our medical partners surpass what some shelters are able to do using best practices, and our training programs are equipped with the latest in force-free, positive reinforcement training capabilities to help the most fearful dogs.
It’s more than that. At Detroit Dog Rescue we remain dedicated to the dogs of Detroit, but we also give support to pets and their people who live within the city. Our outreach program delivers dog food and supplies to underserved communities who desperately want to keep their pets out of shelters. Thanks to the Bissell Pet Foundation we were able to offer free spay and neutering throughout the pandemic.
Despite the odds being stacked against us, our team never stops – that’s all thanks to you! Your gifts have helped us save tens of thousands of dogs who never would have had a chance in the last 10 years and helped keep our save rate above 96%! You’ve been ambassadors for our free vaccine clinics, supported us when we won dogs from extensive court cases, and rallied with us when we’ve exposed abuse and neglect in archaic municipal systems with high euthanasia rates.
It’s easy to say thank you. Our team works really hard to show you how grateful we are by keeping our mission and Detroit’s dogs alive every day.
We can’t do it without you! The gifts you make this week will help us plan our programs for 2022! Please consider making a tax-deductible, end of the year donation here.
Let’s save more together and get them closer to home,
Kristina Millman-Rinaldi
Executive Director
Detroit Dog Rescue

A stray dog finds refuge in a pile of garbage on Detroit city streets. The dog was rescued by DDR.

Puppies found under a vacant house find warmth in the arms of a rescuer at DDR

Crossing boarders. Our Executive Director, Kristina Rinaldi, works to close down dilapidated and illegal shelters with the Bissell Pet Foundation and leading animals to new lives away from abuse and neglect.

Although tethering dogs for more than 3 hours in the city of Detroit is illegal, the city does not have enough man power to reach every case. We often find dogs in this situation. Most chained dogs become socially and sensory deprived.

The DDR difference: Staff, volunteers and fosters are trained using positive reinforcement in order to save some of the worst abuse cases from euthanasia.

Together, we can save more and get them closer to home!
You help happy beginnings like this one happen!
Want to help make a difference?
Your donation is vital to our mission to sustain the first no-kill shelter in the City of Detroit and aid in the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of the abused, abandoned and homeless dogs.
Make your gift go further with a monthly recurring donation by following the link below.